Kvinden er tilfreds med sin Allurion Gastric Balloon-oplevelse
Alustage oma teekonda

Kas ma olen selle jaoks sobilik?

Kas ma olen selle jaoks sobilik?

Pakume Allurioni Programmi kandidaatidele, kes vastavad järgmistele kriteeriumidele:

  • Vanus 18–65

  • KMI 27 või üle selle

  • Te pole praegu rase

  • Valmis võimaluse leidmiseks ja kontolli üle võtmiseks

Am I eligible?

Calculate your BMI

Standard Metric

Please select your age and gender


Question 1


Unfortunately the Allurion Programme is not suitable for individuals who have undergone bariatric, gastric or esophageal surgery.

Question 2

Unfortunately, the Allurion Programme is not suited to you based on your answers
Unfortunately the Allurion Programme is not suitable for individuals who have undergone bariatric, gastric or esophageal surgery.
You could lose up to - with the Allurion Balloon.
  • Your BMI is
  • You are not pregnant

Start my weight-loss journey

Homme heureux de son expérience du ballon gastrique

