A happy women achieving her weight loss results
Start Your Journey

BMI Calculator

Swallowable gastric balloon.

Use our BMI Calculator to see if you're eligible:

The Allurion Gastric Balloon Programme may be offered to candidates that meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 18-65
  • BMI 30 and above OR BMI 27 and above with adiposity-related complications
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have not had stomach or esophageal surgery
Allurion BG

Am I eligible?

Calculate your BMI

Standard Metric

Question 1


Unfortunately the Allurion Programme is not suitable for individuals who have undergone bariatric, gastric or esophageal surgery.

Question 2

Unfortunately, the Allurion Programme is not suited to you based on your answers
You could lose up to - with the Allurion Balloon.
  • Your BMI is
  • You are not pregnant
Allurion Ballon, App and Scale 2

The Program