A 360 Degree Approach to Weight-Loss
Allurion provides a holistic approach to weight-loss that combines medical, digital, and nutritional approaches and engages an entire team to jumpstart weight loss and form lifelong healthy habits. The Allurion Balloon kickstarts the process and the Allurion Programme supports your dietary and lifestyle choices going forward.

The Allurion Connected Scale offers a complete weight tracking experience for those seeking effective and sustainable weight-loss. Monitoring your body composition and BMI is an important way to track your progress and stay motivated.

Physical activity and sleep tracking are key parts of your weight loss journey, and the Allurion Health Tracker makes it easy by monitoring your steps, exercise, and sleep and syncing effortlessly to the Allurion App.

We have developed a secure platform that enables you to monitor your body composition metrics, weight, fitness, and engagement in real-time, with the help of your Allurion Connected Scale, Health Tracker, and App. Through this platform, you can track your progress on-the-go and celebrate your milestones with your friends and family. Your healthcare team will also have secure access to your weight-loss data so that they can support you and provide additional tips and tricks along the way.

Am I eligible?
If you have a BMI of 27 or above, you may be eligible. Quickly calculate your BMI to see if the Allurion Balloon is right for you.